Don’t let 2020 Defeat You!

I’ve talked to so many clients and friends over the last few weeks. They admit they’re stressed by the continuing uncertainty. They are feeling down due to all the time spent at home and lack of things to look forward to. We have all be guilty of chilling with Netflix. Add to that a big bag of something that provides an instant sugar rush followed by long-term regret as clothes get tight. It’s understandable. We’re almost six months into our pandemic living. In addition to the Covid-19 craziness, heartbreak and havoc, 2020 has also had a never-ending stream of natural and man made disasters around the world.

So, if we’re digging into some extra chardonnay or pretzels, we all deserve a lot of grace. But since we are far from done with stress-heightening happenings and uncertainty, it’s time we accept that some of our self-soothers may not be serving us. And, if we’re going to come through all this with our health and sanity intact we may need to refocus.

It is time to put some focus on incorporating (once again or for the first time) healthy habits that will help us cope, boost our immune system, and increase our resilience. Because God knows we need it to get through this marathon of a year and still achieve all our personal and professional goals. We are not giving up! We are adapting and pivoting and finding things to celebrate in this new lifestyle.  I love not having a commute, having time to cook real meals, and almost daily conversations with my parents.

Don’t let 2020 defeat you!

About a month ago I stopped the stress snacking and even gave up coffee (which if you know me that is a big deal).  I am trying to drink green smoothies daily and ramping up exercising. I still have days of indulgences; pizza will always be a weakness, but I am purposefully buying lots more fruit and vegetables instead of feeding my stress cravings. Over the weekend I recommitted to limiting my news intake, journaling, and increasing my trampoline jumping in between client sessions.

Make some changes!

Filling our minds is important, turn off the news. Allow your spirit to rejuvenate with more than a steady diet of murder/romance novels that let you escape.  What are you reading and learning? Currently I am reading Bob Goff’s new book Dream Big and Fear is not the Boss of You by Jennifer Allwood.  I even took some personal days off last week to attend Tony Robbin’s – Unleash the Power Within which was amazing! I may not have done the fire walk (since we were meeting by Zoom) but I karate chopped a board on my first try!

We are living through historic times, how do you want to remember what you did? When we think about events in History we look at them at block of time. WWII was from 1939 to 1945, but if you were living through this time you didn’t have an end date. You dealt with it daily. Women went to work in factories, families grew Victory Gardens, and people died fighting for what they believed. How will we be remembered in the History books of time?

My hope is to get through this season and see that I grew as a person. As a loving supportive family member to my extended family, and as a Coach to better serve my clients. It is all about the attitude, which is one thing we control. Being happy and serene attracts others and sets the standard in your house it’s hard to resist a joyful person.  Being grouchy and discouraged is a lousy way to live and takes a toll on your heart and body. Instead, it is time to believe and create a compelling future for ourselves. What steps are necessary to make it happen?

If life can’t be “normal” at least I can do what I normally do to take care of myself. What have you stopped doing that helps you feel better and cope better? What have you started doing that may be sabotaging you that you need to stop? And if you’ve normally slacked on self-care and healthy habits that help you live a more full and vibrant life, it’s never been more essential to start.

Self Care is a must!

Make this the week you put improving your mental and physical health on back on your to-do list. Make a list of the things you’re going to stop doing and a list of what you’ll start or restart. Don’t get overwhelmed and think you have to do them all in one day; but start to incorporate these changes over the next few weeks.

Don’t let 2020 defeat you!

We may be done with all that is 2020, but it’s sure not done with us. So, let’s make sure we’re controlling what we can, like being strong in mind and body. Reach out if you need to talk, let me know what changes you will make this week.

Sending you so much love and strength!

Jennifer Parker

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